Set a Goal and Achieve the Goal
This story began in 2010 with the Rotary Club of Dundas’ Swim to End Polio. Thie Convery, a Dundas resident, splashed in at Niagara-on-the-Lake in August of that year as part of her efforts to support Rotary International’s efforts to end polio in the world.
During the last 12 years Thie has been an ardent donator of her own funds to the Rotary Foundation to support polio eradication. On July 1, 2022, she completed her goal of donating 250,000USD to the Rotary Foundation.
Convery, now an Honourary Member of the Rotary Club of Dundas Valley Sunrise, was inducted into the Arch Klumph Society on Canada Day, in Ottawa. Presenting this recognition was Rotary International’s 2022-23 President – and first woman ever to hold this position in Rotary’s 117-year history – Canadian Jennifer Jones. Thie was thanked for her advocacy of the worldwide elimination of polio and stated her oft cited, “Fellow Rotarians, we are this close”, as she held her thumb and forefinger a short distance apart.
Rotary International is a global network of 1.4 million members who take action to create positive change – across the globe and in their communities – including the eradication of polio. The Rotary Foundation provides special recognition to Rotarians and friends of Rotary who contribute 250,000USD or more to The Rotary Foundation by inducting them into the Arch Klumph Society. Read more about the Arch Klumph Society here: https://trfcanada.org/sitepage/arch-klumph-society

Thie Convery preparing to swim in 2010
photo by Ralph Montesanto